We are completely independent and committed exclusively to our clients.
We aim to achieve your goals.
We are proud of the confidence our clients have in us.
Our focus is on our customers’ needs.
Dedicated to tax.
We are completely independent and committed exclusively to our clients.
Practical advice, responsively delivered.
Dedicated to tax.
Tax Partner AG – Your tax consultancy firm in Zurich


International Taxation

Taxand Global Announces Six New Member Firms: Expanding the Global Reach and Service Offering to Clients

Six new top-tier member firms will be joining Taxand Global from 1 July 2024. Demarest Advogados in Brazil, Al Tamimi & Company in the Emirates, Maisto e Associati in Italy, Centrum in…
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Corporate Taxation

Allocation of the GloBE Top-up Tax burden to the constituent entities in Switzerland

The Federal Council has enacted the Swiss supplementary tax (QDMTT) with the Minimum Tax Ordinance as of 1 January 2024. The Swiss supplementary tax refers…
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International Taxation

New Guidance on Germany’s APA Programme for Transfer Pricing

An analysis by Flick Gocke Schaumburg, Taxand Germany   German tax authorities have revised their guidelines on Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs). The new guidance details the…
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Corporate Taxation

Pension funds and investment foundations now benefit from the low property gains tax rate in the canton of Geneva

Profits realised by tax-exempt pension fund schemes from the sale of real estate properties in the canton of Geneva are subject to Geneva real estate…
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International Taxation

Luxembourg Aligning Pillar Two Draft Laws with OECD Guidance

An overview by ATOZ Tax Advisers, Taxand Luxembourg A draft law has recently been presented to the Luxembourg Parliament to amend the country’s Pillar Two…
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Firm News

Tax Partner elevates three Counsels from its own ranks

Tax Partner promotes Francesca Codoni, Oliver Jäggi, and Marco E. Vitali to Counsel, effective July 1, 2024. Francesca Codoni has many years of experience in…
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