Corporate Taxation

The Po­ten­ti­al U.S. Tax Re­form or: A Bet­ter Way for Ame­ri­ca (?)

The below ar­ti­cle sum­ma­rizes the po­ten­tial U.S. tax re­form as pro­posed by the Re­pub­li­can Par­ty in the “Blue­print” is­sued on June 24, 2016. The ar­ti­cle al­so refers to Pres­i­dent Trump’s views and high­lights the dif­fer­ences to the Blue­print. The var­i­ous mea­sures as per the Blue­print rep­re­sent a dras­tic change in the U.S. tax sys­tem. The ar­ti­cle does not on­ly sum­ma­rize the im­pacts on the U.S. tax­pay­ers. More­over, it al­so refers to the im­pacts pro­duc­ers and con­sumers out­side the U.S. may be faced with, in­clud­ing Swiss pro­duc­ers and Swiss cus­tomers. Of par­tic­u­lar in­ter­est to Swiss pro­duc­ers and Swiss cus­tomers might be the part of the ar­ti­cle start­ing on page 6 with sec­tion “Bor­der ad­just­ments and elim­i­na­tion of the world­wide tax­a­tion sys­tem”, the fol­low­ing sec­tion “Analy­sis”, in­cl. graphs, and fur­ther sec­tions.

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