Internatio­nales Steuer­recht

Tax and Energy Country Guide 2024

Read the latest insights from energy taxation specialists from around the world in Taxand’s new Tax and Energy Guide.

Energy has never been more important than it is today, particularly as the world races to decarbonize in response to climate change. The expenditures made in this sector are enormous, and are often supported by tax incentives regimes and/or will be impacted by the tax treatment of such capital intensive projects.

As a result, energy policy and tax policy are intertwined as never before, and understanding the taxation of energy and the energy sector is critical to achieving the desired outcomes for investors, developers and governments.​

This country-specific guide brings together the knowledge and experience of energy taxation specialists from around the world, to create a single resource useful to anyone interested in energy projects. You will also find details of key contacts for tax specialists in each jurisdiction.

Read the full guide here