An overview by Garrigues, Taxand Spain
Eduardo Abad, from Garrigues, Taxand Spain, has published a newsletter examining the latest tax developments across Spain. This includes
- A Supreme Court ruling that the extinction of condominiums, where properties are divided without any excess allocation, is subject to the tax on documented legal acts (AJD) rather than onerous property transfers (TPO). This aligns with a decision by the TSJ of Andalusia in a similar case.
- The Directorate-General for Traffic has concluded that operations by individual administrators are not subject to VAT, while those by other managers are, depending on their independence and compensation.
- Spanish Central Administrative Court ruling that a person performing managerial duties can fulfil the full-time employee requirement for the family business tax reduction.
- Finally, 2023 declaration models for Corporate Tax and Spanish Non-Resident Tax have been published, with submission deadlines in July 2024.
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