After the Swiss voters rejected the corporate tax reform (CTR III) in February 2017, the Federal Department of Finance launched Tax Proposal 17 (TP17) to safeguard Switzerland’s competitiveness. The Federal Council deliberated on the key recommendations of the federal government’s Steering Committee on June 9, 2017 and indicated broad agreement with them. The speedy implementation of TP17 is of great importance in order to avoid that Switzerland’s position as an investment and business location will be further weakened by the lack of legal and planning certainty. At this point it is difficult to estimate a date for TP17’s entry into force. All the more so because a referendum against the parliamentary decision on TP17 is not improbable given the rather tough criticism that was levied against the proposal from all sides of the political spectrum as well as from various interested parties. To expect the entry into force of the new TP17 regulations by January 1, 2020 seems ambitious, although it’s not entirely unrealistic. We continuously inform on the current developments in our Newsletter.
Corporate Taxation