

Internatio­nales Steuer­recht

CBAM reform: less red tape, more efficiency?

An overview by Flick Gocke Schaumburg, Taxand Germany The EU Commission has recently proposed reforms to the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) to reduce red [...]
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Internatio­nales Steuer­recht

USA: Increased Scrutiny on Tax-Exempt Organisations: Key Risks and Compliance Steps

Tax-exempt organisations in the USA, including private foundations and nonprofits linked to high-net-worth individuals, are facing increased scrutiny from Congress and the new administration. New [...]
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Internatio­nales Steuer­recht

UK: HMRC Publishes Guidance on Provision of Tax Information by Private Capital Executives

HMRC, the UK’s tax authority has recently issued guidance on the tax information it expects from private capital executives, particularly regarding carried interest. While there [...]
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Internatio­nales Steuer­recht

Indonesia Implements 12% VAT Rate from January 2025

The Indonesian government has recently issued Minister of Finance Regulation No. 131 of 2024, which took effect from the start of January 2025. This regulation [...]
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Internatio­nales Steuer­recht

EU Court Rules Spanish Withholding Tax on Foreign Shareholders Unlawful

An analysis by Garrigues, Taxand Spain The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has recently ruled that tax regulations on dividends in the [...]
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Internatio­nales Steuer­recht

Increase to Canada’s Capital Gains Inclusion Rate

An overview by Borden Ladner Gervais, Taxand Canada The Canadian government has recently announced a deferral of the planned increase to the capital gains inclusion [...]
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